Have a positive impact
WHAT IS Positive Psychology COACHING?
Positive Psychology coaching is a collaborative approach between a coach and coachee (or coachees in group coaching), that clarifies and focuses on a coachee’s strengths and values to help achieve their goals in work and life.
Rather than being purely goal and outcome focused, Positive Psychology coaching also considers the wellbeing of the client, those that the client may lead and the system that the client operates within.
Our coaching approach and tools used are evidence-based, from the fields of positive and coaching psychology, positive organisational scholarship (focused on workplace culture and leadership development) and performance psychology. Self-evaluation and other feedback tools may be utilised as and if required.
Who is coaching suitable for?
People work with a coach for many reasons. Those who choose to be coached include people who are.
- Going through or wanting change in their lives.
- Professionals making career changes (big or small).
- Parents returning to work or wanting to work differently.
- Wanting more energy to focus on things that really matter to them.
- Looking for more balance and less stress in their lives.
- Wanting to improve relationships in their professional or personal lives.
- Longing to feel more confident/courageous in their lives.
- Pursuing a vision/goal or dream that they’d like to make real.
- Clarifying meaning, purpose or direction in life.

"We desperately need more leaders who are committed to courageous, wholehearted leadership and who are self-aware enough to lead from their hearts, rather than unevolved leaders who lead from hurt and fear.."
– Brené Brown
What to expect from coaching
Coaching* follows an agreed pathway to achieve the clients’ goals. Effective coaching is a safe, confidential collaboration between the coach and client. The coach will listen, encourage, ask questions, provide feedback, be honest, direct and sometimes challenging. The coach will also offer tools and processes, reading or action learning ‘homework’ to help clients’ grow and develop.
The coach plays the role of a facilitator of change, and it is the client’s responsibility to enact change. Coaching is successful for people who are:
Ready to work at creating change
Open to receiving and acting upon feedback
Honest and upfront in coaching conversations
Willing to explore, challenge and change self-defeating patterns
Willing to try new ways of behaving, learning and working
Committed to completing action learning tasks/homework between sessions
*Please note that coaching is not therapy and thus does not aim to treat psychological problems.
Coachees often report some of all of the following outcomes as a result of the coaching process:
- Increased clarity, energy and vitality
- Increased self-awareness, knowledge and insights about themselves and others
- Improved relationships
- Improved leadership abilities
- Greater resourcefulness and confidence
- Better perspective-taking, self-regulation and strategic thinking abilities
- Better goal-setting skills
If you are ready for coaching, please get in touch with us to discuss which approach is best for you. Email us now.

"For me, success is not about the wins and the losses. It’s about helping people be the best versions of themselves on and off the field."
– Ted Lasso